Fundraising Time Distributors

Become a Fundraising Distributor

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We currently have at least one opening in each area we service except Hawaii, Alaska, and Canada.  If you apply for any of these locations you will be placed on a waiting list.  All other states do have at least one opening at this time.
What products can our distributors sell? 
When you first start as a distributor you are allowed to sell frozen cookie dough, frozen pizza, frozen cheesecake & pie, pretzels, and personalized stuffed animals.  Other items will be added to your list after you have signed up your first sale. 
How much do I make?
You will be an Independent Contractor and you will earn $1.00 per item sold.  So, if you sign up a church and they sell 100 tubs of cookie dough you earn $100.  If you sign up a school and they sell 3,000 pizzas, you earn $3,000.  The more people selling the more you will earn. 
You may view these items on our website at 
Do you provide leads?
We will provide leads to Independent Contractors, some areas receive more leads than others. We receive tons of leads daily from our websites and by phone and need people to follow up with them.  We will provide leads for your state to you.  If you do not wish to call long distance within your state please let us know so we do not send you leads that you will not contact.  We do provide leads but in order to be truly successful you will need to uncover some local business yourself.
What is the process I need to follow to sell these items?
1. You will contact churches, groups, daycares, schools and others in your area and show them the brochures you have been supplied.  When you have  a group interested in fundraising you will have them sign a one page form.  This form tells us when they would like to start and how many people will be participating.  You fax this form into our office at 206-984-2838 and we take it from there.
2. We receive your form.  We ship the required sales fliers to your group along with posters and close out forms for the end of their sale.
3. They hand them out to their participants.
4. They collect orders from their members at the end of the sale and send these order forms and payment to our office along with their completed close out form.
5. We process the order and call them when we receive it and let them know when they should expect their items to ship.
6. We mail a check to you as soon as we receive their payment. Not once a week or once a month but within 48 hours of receiving their payment. 
7. We ship their order out to them along with their prizes.
Sign up to become a Distributor below:
A kit will be shipped to you.

First name:
Last name:
Email address:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Zip code:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone Number
How soon can you start?
Are you willing to make long distance phone calls within your state?