Sell Kolaches for $14.00 in sets of 8.
Profit Earned:
$4.00 in under 200 sold
$5.00 if over 200 sold
There is no minimum purchase requirement.
Kolaches Brochure
Benefits of the Kolache Fundraising
Delicious product that really sells itself
to help you meet your fundraising goals fast.
Profit: Earn $4.00 per item if less than 200 items
are sold. Earn $5.00 per item if more than 200 items are sold.
Risk Free Fundraising: Flier program (provided free),
no inventory.
Entire Program can be completed in 2-3 weeks.
Group pays NO shipping if more than 200 items are
sold. Shipping Fees for under
200 items:$100 for 101-199 items, $130 for under 100 items.
(There is a $40.00 fee to have any frozen products delivered to a residential (home) address. This
fee is required by the manufacturer not Fundraising Time.)
you ready to start your Kolache Fundraiser now? Sign up now by using the form below.
This form is for groups that are ready to start their fundraiser. If you are NOT ready to start this
program do not request fliers. Please request a Free Info Kit instead at http://www.fundraisingtime.net/info.html If fliers are requested and for any reason you do not participate in the
fundraiser we request that you return the fliers by mail to Fundraising Time.